Dedicated to my Uncle Ray
As I get older I am finding that I need to supplement my diet with herbs, minerals, and vitamins to help maintain good physical condition. Sometimes I take the full dose, other times I do well enough with half. When I read the dosage recommendation on the bottle, I wonder for whom they were made.......a normal 27-yr-old male or a 51-yr-old female like myself. It leads me to wonder if I take the full recommended dose, will I do better? Am I wasting money on a dosage that is intended for a 200lb male? Or will I need to increase the dosage as I get older? I just have to continue to balance my intake based on personal results.
Dosage or amount of intake of spiritual food is another topic. I was blessed to learn that my Uncle Ray intensified his study of God's word when he retired as a school teacher. I could tell that he really loved it, he was doing well to feed more intensely on God's word. What about little ones? Do they need supplements? My daughter-in-law, a registered dietician would say no. Children and most adults can get all essential nutrients from eating a good healthy diet. Guess that's the way they must learn spritual truths as well. On a daily basis, just as normal as eating food, not a shot or a special pill.
I must admit, I am looking forward to the time when I will be retired and I can dedicate more time to study and meditation on God's word. But I must be realistic with myself. I know it's my nature to take it easy when the pressure lets up. So for now, I will be content with the time that He gives me. I know everyone struggles with demands upon time, Thank you Lord, for giving me many things that free me up to worship you.
Is 48:17 I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go
Little Mazza